Live Workshops
For Employers, Municipalities & Rehab Professionals
Cross-Training in the ADAAA Title I Environment
I recently received an interesting question during a support call; the issues are paraphrased below: “One issue that seems to come up at a couple employers I deal with is “cross jobs”. By this I mean, one job title is cross-trained in...
Accommodate or Terminate: Which Sounds Reasonable To You?
In some ways one would expect that each of us would be in touch with being civil to one another and, as an extension, encouraging access to the “civil” rights upon which our country has come to agree upon. The fact that we need legislation and government...
Waive My Civil Right to Reasonable Accommodation?
As we grow our businesses, we miss some of the important little things that then become big things. I am no stranger to this fact of business life! Baltimore-based Media Star Promotions is a company that is “Committed to excellence,...
ADA Guidelines Job Applicants & Reasonable Accommodation Part IV
I have an applicant for a janitorial job who has extensive spine injuries. He is requesting that the employer provide a back belt upon hire for wearing at work. There is NIOSH research that shows that back belts are not proven to help prevent...
ADA Guidelines Job Applicants & Reasonable Accommodation Part III
I have an applicant for a janitorial job who has extensive spine injuries. He is requesting that the employer provide a back belt upon hire for wearing at work. There is NIOSH research that shows that back belts are not proven to help prevent...
ADA Guidelines: Job Applicants and Reasonable Accommodation Part II
I have an applicant for a janitorial job who has extensive spine injuries. He is requesting that the employer provide a back belt upon hire for wearing at work. There is NIOSH research that shows that back belts are not proven to help prevent...
Reasonable Accommodation: Short-Term Workers’ Comp & Personal Medical Injuries
Does the reasonable accommodation process apply to short-term work comp or personal medical injuries? This is a loaded question so let’s break it into 3 parts to better understand what is being asked: First, we will start with a review of the...
ADA Guidelines -Job Applicants & Reasonable Accommodation
The following questions are from “Getting Started: Launching Your Reasonable Accommodation Program” Webinar, aired August 12, 2015. I have an applicant for a janitorial job who has extensive spine injuries. He is requesting that the employer...
Who Is A Qualified Individual Under Title I of the ADA?
As we think about Reasonable Accommodation, we need to consider whether or not an individual is qualified under the law for a Reasonable Accommodation. Here is a brief overview of the three prongs of the definition of...
Employment Testing: Test to An Individual’s Current Ability
Recently, I received a request from a clinical facility for input on a case which may be developing out West. Here is the gist of the message: Yesterday afternoon an individual for whom we did a functional capacity screening a year ago...