Reasonable Accommodation Training for Human Resource Professionals presents a seven-step ‘request for accommodation’ framework.  The steps include identifying a request, managing the Interactive Process, finding a practical solution, and documenting the process. Included in the training are a series of forms useful for documentation of the entire cycle of a request for accommodation.


Reasonable Accommodation Training for HR Professionals

Introduction to the Course
Those Covered by the Amended Americans with Disabilities Act
Reasonable Accommodation: A Seven-Step Process

Step 1: Recognize a request for reasonable accommodation

How to use the reasonable accommodation request form

Step 2: Begin and continue the Interactive Process

Step 3: Confirm the existence of a disability

Step 4: Determine the essential functions of the job

Step 5: Find a solution that accommodates the essential functions

What is an accommodation?
Understanding undue hardship – what does “reasonable” mean?
Putting accommodation costs into perspective
Purchase or modification of equipment, tools, or work aids
Job restructuring
Trading marginal functions
Adjustments of the physical environment of the job site
Changes to the flow of work
Leave as an accommodation
Modified or part-time schedules as an accommodation
Determining when a modified work schedule is an undue hardship
Modifying workplace policies as an accommodation
Reassignment as a reasonable accommodation
Reassignment of probationary employees
Accommodations related to the benefits and privileges of work
Equal access to workplace communications

Step 6: Implement the accommodation as soon as possible

Step 7: Document the process

Best Practices
Glossary of Terms Not Defined Elsewhere
Reasonable Accommodation – Questions and Answers
Doing Your Research
Important Background Reading

The Presentation

The course materials include a recorded presentation that the student may start and stop as needed. The presentation is not based on a PowerPoint slide deck. Instead, the author shares insights from his 30+ years of rehabilitation and Americans with Disabilities Act experience. The robust course manual details the concepts discussed and taught in the course.

Coaching and Support

As we all know, becoming proficient in a skill comes with applying the knowledge gained in training with daily practice. To compliment your skill develop process, coaching and problem-solving is provided both during and after the training by Roy Matheson, ADAC.


$200.00Add to cart

Self-Paced Distance Learning

2 Contact Hours

Tuition $200

